

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Whats been happening...

Sorry for this very overdue post but I have been busy urrrrrr... researching....

I have been busy recently collecting a few kits and parts and now its time to start building them!! I just finished a m cattle wagon and half way through a qr wagon. Next will be a P van and few different U vans, so far i am going to build 2 with wheel handbrakes - one of them with a blanked door section, and also one with a lever handbrake. I might also have a crack at scratch building a ICI explosives container, a VRB (vic-rail bulk) container and a NSW RACE open side container (any information on these would be very helpful)

Hopefully over the holidays I can do the benchwork for at least one of the modules and start track laying, not sure what turnouts and turnout motors to use so any ideas on what worked well for you would help. I am happy to do some work so I am thinking I might give the CV turnout ties and fast track tools method a go.

At the moment I am planning on having the layout set in 1981/2, modelling the main yard with the freightgate, cement silos, goods shed, gantry crane, station and tubemakers centre and then maybe a section featuring SPC and Esso siding later on. Any information or pictures would be appreciated.

Here is a signal diagram for the layout I modified to show the different industries and the changed track layout. A quick flick through these images will give you the general idea of the yard at Shepparton:

Hopefully I update my blog a bit more now so stay tuned.

Here is a pic I took at Parkes for a to end of this post. Gotta love the weathering on it.